Bank Compliance Center

In today’s banking environment as soon as one big new regulation is implemented another pops up. ICBA’s compliance training opportunities and exceptional resources, online and offline, will help your community bank stay informed and one step ahead of the regulators.

Recent Compliance News

Jul 24, 2024 | NewsWatch Today
Agencies propose amending BSA requirements

Federal banking regulators formally requested comment on a proposed rule that would amend Bank Secrecy Act requirements for anti-money-laundering and countering-the-financing-of-terrorism programs.

Jul 24, 2024 | NewsWatch Today
CFPB proposal spotlights costs of paycheck advance products

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau proposed an interpretive rule that says many paycheck advance products are consumer loans subject to the Truth in Lending Act.

Jun 26, 2024 | NewsWatch Today
CFPB extends compliance dates for 1071 rule

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau issued an interim final rule to extend compliance deadlines for its 1071 small-business rule following a Supreme Court ruling that ended a temporary injunction on the rule.

Jun 21, 2024 | NewsWatch Today
Agencies finalize rule on automated valuation models

Federal financial services regulators issued a final rule to implement quality control standards for automated valuation models, or AVMs, which mortgage lenders use to value real estate collateral.

Upcoming Compliance Training
Aug 6, 2024 | Institute - Livestream

BSA/AML Institute

Aug 21, 2024 | Webinar

Lending Compliance Update

Compliance Question of the Week

Question: Which practices can increase the risk of violations in the area of third-party relationships?


Vendor risk management problems often involve one or more of the following issues:

Overreliance on third-party vendors. A common root cause of vendor problems is the overreliance, and sometimes complete reliance, on a third-party vendor. Third parties can provide staffing and expertise but do not assume ultimate responsibility for compliance violations involving products or services offered by an institution.

Failure to train new staff or retain knowledgeable staff. Institutions may believe they can avoid hiring, retaining, or training staff because of a vendor’s expertise. Although an institution may be leveraging a third party’s expertise, staff at the institution must be knowledgeable about vendor activities and the compliance requirements for that activity to facilitate monitoring. Specifically, proper staffing or specialized training for existing personnel may be required. Similarly, banks should consider evaluating activity at the vendor’s location to ensure that risks are understood, and that staff has sufficient knowledge of vendor processes and controls.

Failure to adequately monitor the vendor. Ongoing monitoring is necessary to ensure compliance and to prevent potentially costly regulatory violations.

Failure to set clear expectations. An institution must ensure that the information provided to third-party vendors is complete and accurate and that expectations for vendor performance are communicated clearly and included in the contract with the vendor. Vendor contracts should also include detailed consumer protection requirements to ensure that the vendor is aware of the applicable requirements.

Reference: Fed. Consumer Compliance Outlook, 4th Quarter 2012.










Compliance Vault

The ICBA Compliance Vault is now available as a member benefit to all ICBA members.

The Compliance Vault is a reliable search tool that helps you find answers to your regulatory compliance questions, with access to over 2,500 Q&As, select online courses, and documents.

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Compliance Resources

Online Training

Compliance Certificate Program

Online Certificates

The ICBA Education Compliance Certificate Program is designed to give community bankers the knowledge and skills they need to become experts in bank compliance. They will learn to explain the role of community bankers in bank compliance, identify the regulations governing community banking, and identify the requirements of the laws governing community banks.

$499 / ICBA Members

$1,499 / Non-Members

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Compliance Working Papers

Compliance Education Graphic

One of the three elements of an effective compliance program is monitoring and corrective action. These compliance working papers are essential for monitoring your financial institution’s compliance with federal consumer compliance laws and regulations.

Initial Price
ICBA Member: $599
Nonmember: $799

Annual Digital Renewal
ICBA Member: $399
Nonmember: $499

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Compliance Deskbook and Bulletin Service

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The Compliance Deskbook is a compliance officer’s one-stop-shop for accessing compliance regulations, important dates, agency guidance, questionnaires, updates, and other resources.

Initial Price
ICBA Member: $499
Nonmember: $799

Annual Digital Renewal
ICBA Member: $349
Nonmember: $649

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Bank Compliance Check Up

Compliance Education Graphic

The Bank Compliance Check Up Program provides a comprehensive system and checklists for monitoring and determining the bank’s compliance with deposit, lending, administrative regulations, and other banking laws. Also included are over 40 training agendas and quizzes!

Initial Price
ICBA Member: $499
Nonmember: $799

Annual Digital Renewal
ICBA Member: $349
Nonmember: $649

Learn More