What 2025 holds for payments remains to be seen. Decreasing interest rates may fuel larger spending and comfort with revolving credit, but some businesses have begun limiting their acceptance of cards or passing fees along to customers, which could drive decreased use. Couple those developments with a shifting regulatory environment, and the future of card payments gets a bit murky.
On a daily basis, my team identifies, investigates, and responds to fraud, including customer scams. While our fraud monitoring systems flag unusual activity, the bulk of our time is spent evaluating the situation and then discussing it with the customer to get to the bottom of what really happened.
The federal bank regulatory agencies announced the third notice requesting comment to reduce regulatory burden as required by the Economic Growth and Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act of 1996.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau issued a notice of proposed rulemaking related to consumer reporting and the requirements of the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
Federal regulators are slated to host an interagency webinar on fair lending at 2 p.m. (Eastern time) today. The webinar will cover redlining, Community Reinvestment Act rules, the relationship between CRA and fair lending, and more.
Monetary policy is still restrictive and putting downward pressure on inflation without creating undesirable weakness in the labor market, according to Federal Reserve Governor Christopher Waller, who added that he expects rate cuts to continue over the next year.
The December cover story of Independent Banker magazine, the award-winning publication of the Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA), spotlights this year’s Best Community Banks to Work For recipients. These honorees were selected for their outstanding dedication to fostering positive and rewarding workplace environments that inspire their teams to excel and contribute meaningfully to their communities.
While some industry watchers might apply the term “community bank” to the nation's largest financial institution, the truth is community banks cannot be replicated by megabanks, ICBA Chairman Lucas White wrote in a new American Banker op-ed (subscription required).
The Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA) today announced it has expanded its Wolters Kluwer Preferred Service Provider relationship to include its BizFilings Beneficial Ownership Information Filing platform and its OneSumX Reg Manager offerings.
The latest Independent Banker magazine highlights the substantial influence of Gen Z—those born between 1997 and 2012—whose spending power now totals $44 billion and represents a key demographic for community banks.
The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network announced that is has joined a multi-sector national task force dedicated to the prevention of fraud and scams.
The FHFA announced that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will seek to extend housing access in rural underserved markets, enhance their support for manufactured housing, and continue addressing liquidity needs for first-time homebuyers.
The Federal Reserve announced that the 2025 periodic review of its monetary policy strategy, tools, and communications will include public outreach events.
ICBA’s recent Preferred Service Provider Engagement Forum brought together 15 PSPs, seven ThinkTECH Accelerator alumni, and community bankers for an exchange of insights and opportunities to advance community bank innovation, according to a new Main Street Matters blog post.