Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA) President and CEO Rebeca Romero Rainey today issued the following statement on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s final rule on overdraft services.
ICBA Past Chairman William "Bill" Leo McQuillan died in Lakewood, Colo., on Dec. 4 at the age of 76. The former president and CEO of City National Bank in Greeley, Neb., served as Nebraska Independent Community Bankers chairman in 1988-1989 and ICBA chairman in 1998-1999.
Northwest Federal Credit Union’s stadium naming-rights deal with the Washington Commanders points to the need for the federal government to tax credit unions, according to a new Wall Street Journal column.
ICBA and many banks are going the extra mile to fight fraud, but banks and industry trade groups cannot effectively address fraud all by themselves, Acting Comptroller of the Currency Michael Hsu said.
The Federal Reserve should embrace technology to improve its discount window and preserve the role of the Federal Home Loan Banks in providing liquidity, ICBA told the agency.
ICBA PAC is hosting its 36th Annual Auction Fundraiser on Wednesday, March 12, during ICBA LIVE in Nashville. Tickets for the ’80s-themed event go on sale Friday, Jan. 3.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau launched a rulemaking to address the effects of inaccurate credit reporting affecting survivors of domestic violence, elder abuse, and other forms of financial abuse.
ICBA President and CEO Rebeca Romero Rainey and Group Executive Vice President of Congressional Relations and Strategy Paul Merski were featured on The Hill’s 2024 list of the nation’s top lobbyists.
Guidance and proposed rules from regulatory agencies this year kept community banks on their toes, according to the latest Independent Banker magazine.
The U.S. banking system remains resilient—supported by sound levels of regulatory capital, adequate liquidity buffers, and healthy levels of profitability—but the industry must address emerging vulnerabilities, according to the Financial Stability Oversight Council’s 2024 annual report.
Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA) President and CEO Rebeca Romero Rainey and Group Executive Vice President of Congressional Relations and Strategy Paul Merski make their seventh consecutive appearance on The Hill’s Top Lobbyists List of association executives.
A new five-year farm bill will run about 1,000 pages and include a vast array of programs, so the most likely action is an extension of the current bill and possibly an emergency aid package, according to the latest Independent Banker magazine.
Frank Bisignano—chairman, president, and CEO of Fiserv, a global provider of payments and financial services technology solutions—was nominated by President-Elect Donald Trump to be commissioner of the Social Security Administration.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s 1071 small-business rule exceeds the agency’s statutory authority and is arbitrary and capricious, ICBA said in a new court filing.
The Treasury Department sanctioned five individuals and four entities associated with the TGR Group, an international network of businesses and employees that act on behalf of Russian elites.
Five federal financial regulatory agencies, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, and state financial regulators issued a joint statement to provide supervised institutions with examples of risk management and other practices that may be effective in combatting elder financial exploitation.