Letters and Testimonies


Title Committee Presenter Date
House Ways and Means Committee 05/09/24
Senate Agriculture Committee Gus Barker 05/04/23

Ag News

ICBA urging farm bill district meetings

March 29, 2024

With members of Congress back home for a district work period, ICBA is urging community bankers to continue the grassroots push for a new farm bill with in-person meetings.

District Meetings: ICBA encourages community bankers to utilize town hall meetings, local events, and other opportunities to meet with members of Congress on the pending farm bill.

Key Issues: ICBA is asking Congress to:

  • Support higher loan limits on USDA guaranteed farm loans.

  • Enact ICBA-advocated legislation promoting quicker turnaround time on loan approvals.

  • Oppose proposals to expand Farm Credit System lending authority and exempt the FCS from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s 1071 rule.

Talking Points: Talking points and additional tips on connecting with congressional offices are available via ICBA’s Be Heard grassroots action center.

ICBA Guide: ICBA’s “Meetings on Main Street” guide offers additional resources to help community bankers connect with their lawmakers in person.