Global securities group planning next steps on crypto rules

The International Organization of Securities Commissions said it plans to build on its proposals on crypto markets and decentralized finance in the coming year.

Details: In its 2024-2025 Workplan, IOSCO announced plans to:

  • Create a report on the current crypto regulatory environment across IOSCO’s membership.

  • Use the report to develop a full assessment of its final crypto market policy recommendations.

  • Research tokenization in the securities market via its Fintech Task Force.

Tokenization Project: The plans follow a recent announcement that the Bank for International Settlements, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and other central banks are conducting a project to explore integrating tokenized bank deposits with tokenized wholesale central bank money.

ICBA View: ICBA supports global efforts to advance international cryptoasset regulation, including IOSCO’s baseline policy recommendations. It also has repeatedly expressed opposition to the creation of a U.S. CBDC, recently requesting from U.S. agencies federal records on whether legislative changes are required to issue a U.S. CBDC.