ICBA Services Network Announces New Board of Directors Member

ICBA Press Release Banner 2020

Washington, D.C. (July 27, 2020) — ICBA Services Network, the business services subsidiary of the Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA), today announced that Shon Myers, chairman, president and CEO of Farmers & Merchants Bank in Miamisburg, Ohio, was elected to the ICBA Services Network board of directors.

“We are pleased to welcome Shon, a dedicated and passionate advocate for the community banking industry to the ICBA Services Network board,” ICBA Services Network Chairman Jack Hartings, chairman of The Peoples Bank Co. in Coldwater, Ohio said. “Shon’s exceptional leadership and unique perspective will be a great addition to the board as we serve ICBA’s mission to create and promote an environment where community banks flourish.” 

In addition to his role as the head of Farmers & Merchants Bank and its holding company, F&M Bancorp, Myers is active in his community, and is a member of the Rotary International, the Miamisburg Municipal Trust Fund Finance Committee, and is vice president of the Miamisburg Community Foundation. He also is active in his state association and is a former chairman of the Community Bankers Association of Ohio. 

Serving on the ICBA Services Network board of directors with Hartings and Meyers are Dennis Doyle, president of Great Midwest Bank, Brookfield, Wisconsin; Greg Deckard, president, chairman and CEO of State Bank Northwest, Spokane Valley, Washington; Alice Frazier, president and CEO of Bank of Charles Town, West Virginia; Barry Haugen, president of the Independent Community Banks of North Dakota, Bismarck, North Dakota; Rebeca Romero Rainey, president and CEO, ICBA, Washington, D.C.;  Marti Rodamaker, president and CEO of First Citizens Bank, Mason City, Iowa; and William West, president and CEO of Bank of Tampa, Florida.

Learn more about ICBA and its subsidiaries at www.icba.org


About ICBA
The Independent Community Bankers of America® creates and promotes an environment where community banks flourish. With more than 50,000 locations nationwide, community banks constitute 99 percent of all banks, employ nearly 750,000 Americans and are the only physical banking presence in one in three U.S. counties. Holding more than $5 trillion in assets, nearly $4 trillion in deposits, and more than $3.4 trillion in loans to consumers, small businesses and the agricultural community, community banks channel local deposits into the Main Streets and neighborhoods they serve, spurring job creation, fostering innovation and fueling their customers’ dreams in communities throughout America. For more information, visit ICBA’s website at www.icba.org.
