ICBA expressed support for provisions of legislation designed to improve consumer privacy and data security accountability for more entities that handle consumer data.

Data Privacy Bill: In a written statement for a House Financial Services Committee hearing, ICBA said policymakers should ensure the financial data privacy bill:

  • Expands a provision that applies Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act standards on data aggregators by including all permissioned third parties.

  • Holds third parties that have failed to secure consumer data liable for any breach and resulting consumer harm.

  • Retains an ICBA-supported provision that directs agencies to take into account the compliance costs of new privacy rules on small financial institutions.

  • Includes a national privacy standard preempting the patchwork of state privacy laws.

More: In its statement, ICBA also expressed support for separate bills to:

  • Provide more flexible capital standards for de novo banks.

  • Require the federal banking agencies to study barriers to entry for de novo depository institutions, including minority depository institutions, potential community development financial institutions, and depository institutions in underserved communities.