ICBA’s consumer-facing campaign opposing a proposal to require the IRS to monitor bank account information has struck a nerve with community bank customers.

Consumer Alert: With consumers already sending thousands of messages to their members of Congress via ICBA’s Consumer Alert webpage, ICBA urges more community banks to join the campaign.

Outreach Vital: ICBA is encouraging community bankers to direct their customers to the site to demonstrate that public opposition is widespread, bipartisan, and extends beyond banks themselves.

Custom Resources: Meanwhile, community bankers are using ICBA’s customizable email and social media content to raise opposition, with the #KeepMyBankingPrivate hashtag garnering hundreds of thousands of impressions.

Details: ICBA President and CEO Rebeca Romero Rainey details the multi-faceted consumer campaign—including ICBA’s custom resources—in a post on Main Street Matters and LinkedIn.