Happy Birthday TCM!

By Damon Moorer

This week TCM Bank celebrates 20 years of service to community banks. It’s remarkable how far we’ve come over this time—providing professionally managed consumer and business agent credit card programs for the nation’s community banks.

I want to thank TCM Bank’s talented staff for all their hard work and dedication to get us to this point. I also want to thank our wonderful community bank clients—we do what we do every day to help you succeed.

This milestone is important to us and a testament to the faith our community bank partners have entrusted in TCM to represent their brand and to deliver the high-quality service for which community banks are known.

As a community bank that serves community banks, we have successfully weathered market fluctuations and staved off competitors thanks in large part to the vision and direction of our community banker-led board. By staying true to our ideals and attuned to our customers’ evolving payment needs, we’ve grown from 100 agent banks and 31,800 customers in our first year of operation to nearly 750 financial institution partnerships and more than 315,000 customers nationwide today.

Keep in mind that at the time of TCM’s founding, there were few options for community banks that wanted to offer a full suite of payment services with limited resources to go it alone as direct issuers. That’s where ICBA and ICBA Bancard stepped in and created TCM Bank, a credit card bank that leverages economies of scale to deliver a cost-effective alternative, so community banks could still offer their customers valuable products in the payments space. In the year’s since, we’ve continued to round out our product offerings to help community banks strengthen their customer relationships through innovative payment solutions.

Our program makes it simple for community banks by providing turnkey marketing and promotions, a dedicated client relations team, staff training, and compliance support.

Recently, TCM added the Visa Signature Travel Consumer Credit Card to its suite of offerings, which also includes robust small business credit card products. TCM’s chip-enabled cards support mobile payments and Visa Checkout.

As pleased as I am to celebrate this momentous occasion, I’m even more excited about what the future holds as we at TCM continue to develop new programs and products to deliver an enriched payments experience to community bank customers for years to come.

For more information about TCM Bank, visit www.tcmbankna.com. To learn about ICBA Bancard, visit www.icbabancard.org.

Damon Moorer is TCM Bank, N.A. president and CEO