May 2018 - Online Training Newsletter

Regulatory Relief Is on Its Way!

On May 24, the Economic Growth, and Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act (S. 2155) was signed into law. This new law gives community banks with assets of less than $10 billion regulatory relief in several areas including qualified mortgage safe harbor from the ability-to-repay, appraisal relief in rural areas, HMDA adjustments to data collection, and escrow requirements. Read what this new law means for your bank.

Many of the provisions explicitly require agency rulemaking before they go into effect. Most of the provisions are technically effective immediately; however, they may conflict with existing regulation and the agencies must conform their regulations to the new law. ICBA is working closely with the agencies to expedite rulemaking or other guidance so that community banks can begin to benefit from this important new law as soon as possible.

Community Banker University will update the affected online courses as soon as further guidance is released and regulations are changed. We will make you aware of each of the changes in the monthly newsletter and in the “What’s New” tab within the online training system.

Did You Know?

Online Training courses can be taken on your desktop computer, table, or mobile phone. Some of the courses have both Flash and HTML versions. When launching a course on a desktop computer, you may choose either Flash or HTML, depending on the software installed on your computer. When launching a course on a table or mobile phone, you will need to choose HTML.

If you are having difficulty launching a course, please click on the "Technical Assistance" tab. On this screen, you should see all green checkmarks (see image below). If there are any red Xs, you will need to fix the item before the course will launch. Please ask your IT department for help in enabling popups, cookies, or Flash.

Make Time to Improve Your Leadership Skills

Think about your day at the bank and how often you’ve thought to yourself, “I really wish I had time to tackle my professional to-do-list.”

Do you give yourself the opportunity to think about how you can grow in your role at the bank? Do you think about how your actions can maximize your actions to positively impact those around you? By taking the time to focus on our own leadership, you generate the grit and creativity to lead forward.

The ICBA Online Library includes multiple online courses in the areas of leadership and management:

  • Making Change Successful, Not Stressful
  • Problem Solving in the Workplace
  • Running Effective Meetings
  • Acting Effectively on a Team
  • Developing a Strong Leadership Team

If you’re looking for a hands-on, high-energy event, the ICBA LEAD FWD Summit is a great resource for fostering the next generation of community bank leaders.

The summit, held Sept. 17-18 in Louisville, Kentucky, focuses on professional development and new strategies to grow your bank.

Make the time to push your own leadership skills forward!