CRA to Z: How to Build a Best-in-Class CRA Program

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CRA to Z: How to Build a Best-in-Class CRA Program

Apr 23 - Apr 24, 2025 | In-Person Seminar

In this 1.5-day course, you will learn CRA management best practices, and gain exposure to how the new rule will impact your bank. Upon completion, you will earn 13.5 hours of CPE credit, and have the knowledge and tools required to maintain a robust CRA program for your bank.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the Who, What & Why of CRA

    This module serves as an overview of the new CRA rules. We’ll review the CRA’s background, definitions, requirements for each banks’ asset size, critical components of the CRA, and what is needed for a successful CRA program.

  • Define the CRA Assessment Areas

    Designed to assist banks of all sizes in recognizing the importance of defining CRA assessment areas comprised of whole geographies, which do not reflect illegal discrimination or arbitrarily exclude low and moderate-income geographies.

  • Learn How to Capture and Report CRA Activity

    Collecting and reporting community development activities and what qualifies as a Community Development:

    • Loan
    • Investment
    • Service
  • Discover Peer Analysis

    Find out what other banks are doing under the current CRA regulation and revised rule. How is a peer bank defined under the current CRA rule and revised rule? Learn how banks are evaluated using peer bank information under the current rule versus the new CRA rule. Explore how the new metric based CRA rules rely on peer bank comparative analysis more frequently than the current rule.

  • Develop Self-Assessments & Performance Context

    We’ll cover conducting a self-assessment and the necessary components needed to be effective, as well as the importance of a comprehensive performance context policy and what is required to develop an effective one.

  • Prepare for the CRA Exam
    • What to expect when the regulator arrives on site
    • Tips for making the CRA exam a success

Information (Central Time unless otherwise noted)
Wednesday, April 23
Details coming soon

8:00am – 5:00pm

Thursday, April 24
Details coming soon

8:00am – noon


ICBA Members: $895

Non-Members: $1095

Printable Registration Form

Attendance & Cancellation Policy

  • Full payment is required prior to event attendance. 
  • Registration fee is valid for only the individual registered. Each attendee must register.
  • A substitute registration will be accepted. Please notify ICBA Education if registration needs to be changed. 
  • If registration is cancelled more than 30 days prior to the event start date, you will receive a full refund. 
  • If cancellation is within 30 days prior to the event start date, 20 percent of the registration fee paid will be deducted for costs. 
  • No refunds will be issued once the bank has received event materials or after the event start date. 
  • All rights are reserved by ICBA. No recording or distribution of the content is permitted unless expressly agreed by ICBA. 

Continuing Professional Education Credit (CPE) Requirements

To receive full CPE credit for the in-person event you must meet the following requirements: 

  • Sign in daily. The sign-in sheet will be located on the registration table outside of the conference room.  
  • Attend the session in its entirety. 
  • Participate in all group activities and projects. 

* View CPE Credit Hours in the “Who Should Attend” section.  

This event is not recorded. For more information, call 800-422-7285 or email [email protected]

Hyatt Centric Midtown Atlanta

125 Tenth Street, NE

Atlanta, GA 30309

ICBA's room rate is $219 and expires March 25, 2025. If calling to make your reservations, call the Hyatt at: 404-443-1234 and reference G-CRAP Note to attendees - Enter the dates of April 22-24 to reserve your room.

ICBA Booking Link

Hotel Housing Scam Warning: Only make your room reservation using the information provided by ICBA. Do not do business with any company that claims they are with ICBA or working for ICBA as the official housing service. Contact ICBA if you have any questions or concerns.

Who should attend: Bankers responsible for CRA at their bank, CRA Officers, and Chief Compliance Officers. 

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of CRA

Advanced Preparation: None

Program Level: Intermediate

Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge

Delivery Method: Group Live

Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Credit Hours: 13.5

Presented by CRA Solutions in conjunction with ICBA Education.

Steffani Jenkins
Steffani Jenkins

CRA Liaison and Business Development Officer

ICBA CRA Solutions

Kevin Kane


Financial Regulatory Consulting, Inc.

Former Federal Bank Examiner

Code of Conduct

Registration, attendance, or participation at this event constitutes an agreement to adhere to the ICBA code of conduct and complaint policy. ICBA aims to be welcoming, safe, and inclusive to all participants, with the most varied and diverse backgrounds possible.

As such, The Independent Community Bankers of America (“ICBA” or the “Association”) has adopted a zero-tolerance policy toward all forms of unlawful discrimination and harassment.

Read Full Policy

Suitcasing Policy

Suitcasing is the act of soliciting business by non-exhibiting companies during the event or in other public spaces, including another company's booth, a convention center, or a hotel lobby. It is ICBA event management’s objective to do everything legally possible to protect its exhibitors and community banker attendees from suitcasing.