Regulatory Riddle or Common Sense: Decoding Third-Party Risk Regulatory Perspectives, Themes, and Expectations


Regulatory Riddle or Common Sense: Decoding Third-Party Risk Regulatory Perspectives, Themes, and Expectations

Dec 5, 2023 | 11:00 am ET • 10:00 am CT | Webinar

We know that regulatory requirements should inform our third-party risk management programs and practices, but what exactly do regulators really expect? How do we synthesize regulatory requirements into practical and actionable processes?

If you are in a regulated industry, a large part of your third-party risk program’s success depends on how well your program meets regulatory requirements. Join this webinar from ICBA Preferred Service Provider Venminder, to talk through interpreting regulatory requirements and identifying common regulatory themes, thinking like an auditor or regulatory examiner, and self-auditing your third-party risk.