Webinar On Demand

Cannabis in Banking (MP4)

Cannabis has become more mainstream, and institutions have begun banking with hemp customers. Find out how banks are knowingly – and unknowingly – banking hemp, CBD, and marijuana. This presentation will cover the current landscape of federal and state law for banks that are actively banking or contemplating banking with cannabis and/or hemp customers.

Participants gain an overview of the state of play regarding state legalization of cannabis (both medical and recreational), and what that still means in light of existing federal law and bank regulator oversight.

In addition, attendees explore an overview of regulations issued by the USDA and the current federal landscape for hemp, including FDA guidance, or the lack thereof. The presentation will address risk management when banking cannabis and/or hemp customers, as well as how to implement appropriate policies and procedures even if your bank has decided not to bank cannabis and/or hemp customers.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the views of state and federal law enforcement and regulators.

  • Learn about the systems and procedures needed to service the cannabis and hemp industries.

  • Learn how regulators have been supervising banks that service a cannabis or hemp business.

  • Understand cannabis and hemp banking in the Biden administration.

Recorded September 26, 2023.

ICBA Members: $219
Nonmembers: $319
Unlimited Webinar Pass subscription: $0