Online Training

Synthetic Identity Fraud

Online Training

This course explores how fraudsters create synthetic identities and use them to get credit cards and other forms of credit. Learn how synthetic identities are created, how fraudsters use them to get a positive credit score, then “bust out”, or max out the credit on cards, lines of credit etc. Learn to recognize red flags indicating that a credit applicant may be using a synthetic identity.

Learning Objectives: 

  • Recognize what synthetic identity fraud (SIF)is and how it differs from traditional identity fraud

  • Recall how and why fraudsters create synthetic identities

  • Summarize factors contributing to SIF growth

  • Describe credit bust-outs

  • Outline ways to recognize SIF

Course Outline:

  • Introduction

  • About Synthetic Identity Fraud

  • Identifying Synthetic Identity Fraud

Rev–Jun. 2021. Course Length ≈ 22 minutes.

This course is worth 0.5 CPE credits. 

ICBA Member - $179.00
Non-Member - $299.00