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Preferred Service Providers

ICBA members trust that vendors with the ICBA Preferred Service Provider designation are best-in-class service providers dedicated to the community banking industry.

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About ICBA Preferred Service Providers

ICBA Preferred Service Providers (PSP) have earned the highest level of affiliation with ICBA through an established due-diligence process designed to ensure that all PSPs are dedicated to the community banking industry, have national distribution ability, sound financials, and offer unique value to ICBA members.

In addition to the inherent value of the service, each Preferred Service Provider provides a tangible benefit to ICBA members through a discount, dividend, or educational offering not available to non-members. To learn more about benefits and value available exclusively to ICBA member banks visit the ICBA Solutions Directory.

Join the thousands of ICBA members who are adding to their bottom lines and reaping the many benefits of participating in ICBA's Preferred Service Provider programs.

FAQs About Preferred Service Providers

ICBA identifies banker needs through committee meetings, surveys, and industry publications. ICBA then conducts company discovery:

  • Reviewing existing Corporate Members

  • Reviewing current PSP products

  • Recommendations from our committees and ICBA leadership

  • Surveys

  • Issuing a Request For Proposal (RFP)

ICBA focuses on six areas when performing due diligence:

  • Business Experience & Qualifications

  • Financial Condition

  • Legal & Regulatory Compliance

  • Risk Management & Controls

  • Information Security

  • Operational Resilience

ICBA has also implemented ongoing monitoring policies to enhance our ability to detect challenges in real-time and reduce risk.

ICBA does not provide a banker due diligence package because ICBA is not a bank, and the individual bank determines bank due diligence requirements. Although ICBA’s process satisfies our requirements, it is the bank’s responsibility to conduct their due diligence should they engage with any of our PSPs.

ICBA PSPs are the only vendors serving the community banking industry that ICBA officially recommends to member banks.

Bankers expect that each of these services help community banks improve their business by increasing efficiencies and enhancing profitability by generating fee income, growing their lending portfolio, building customer relationships, identifying competitive advantages, and diversifying the services the bank offers.

Each Preferred Service Provider provides a tangible benefit to ICBA members through a discount, dividend, or educational offering exclusively available to ICBA member banks.

Visit our Preferred Service Providers

Preferred Service Providers have earned the highest level of affiliation with ICBA.  Partners are selected by the ICBA Bank Innovation and Solutions Committee to provide unique solutions and education to ICBA member banks.

See Providers

Corporate Membership

The ICBA Corporate Membership program serves as the entryway for service providers to develop a relationship with ICBA and member community banks.

Visit Membership Page

Questions? Contact Us.

Lauren White

Program Manager, ICBA Innovation

[email protected]